Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hi everyone. Welcome to my debut. This is the very first blog entry I have EVER my life...

That being said, I'd like to take a minute to introduce myself and share with you, what it is I'm looking to accomplish here.

As you might have read in my 'about' section, my name is Haley. I'm 34 a thirty-something, wife and mother of 2. I've been a stay-at-home-mom since the birth of my oldest, who's turning 7 in a matter of days *YIKES*. The kids are silly and born actors, we call the "Ham" and "Cheese". I'm pretty sure they'll be the Tina Fey and Will Ferrell of their generation.

My husband and I have been married for 9 years. We met almost 20 years ago, when he showed up outside my bedroom window with a mutual friend. I was 13 and he was 16. What?! That's not a weird story. That's a lesson for you parents out there...probably not the best decision to put your teenage daughter's bedroom on the ground level of your home. My kids both have bedrooms upstairs. Lesson learned.

About 9 years ago, soon after our marriage, I got really sick. Losing weight, constant thirst, frequent trips to the bathroom. In a matter of months I had lost about 90lbs. I ended up in the ER early one morning and I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (previously known as juvenile diabetes). That morning, the ER docs tested my blood glucose level at 734. Yes, I said 734! If you're unfamiliar with diabetes and wondering, 'Is 734 good or bad?' It's pretty bad. Your blood glucose level right now is probably like, 90. I was in bad shape. On the verge of diabetic coma, my organs on the brink of shutting down, it was a bad place to be in. The docs didn't think I would recover. I am! I'm not the religious type but even I would have to say, the whole thing borders on miraculous. If you'd like to learn more about Type 1 diabetes, this is a good place to start.

As you can imagine, since my diagnosis, diet and proper nutrition has been one of my main concerns. It's not always easy keeping on top of diabetes and controlling your blood sugar. It becomes really tedious and diabetics often find themselves suffering from burnout. Although I've tried to deny it, I think I've been in an on and off state of burnout since "Ham" was born in 2005. I've put on 'baby weight' twice plus a little extra for good measure ;-) that I'm now desperately trying to shed. While this blog won't be a 'diabetes' blog, I will of course mention it on occasion.

I've been researching this Paleo lifestyle thing and have found that it can be beneficial not only to 'normal' people but super duper helpful for diabetics due to it's low-carb-ness. Yeah, I just made up a word. In short, people following a Paleo diet mainly eat what would have been available to the so-called cavemen. Meats, veggies, fruits, seeds and nuts. No dairy, no grains, no sugar (you get the idea). We're giving this Paleo thing a a family. And that's what I hope this blog will be about. A chronicle of an adventurous family making the transition to this new way of not just eating, but living. I'm hopeful to share our daily ups and downs, tips, recipes, menus, likes and dislikes as well as our challenges, which I'm sure there will be plenty, having 2 picky eaters in the house. I'm an avid chef and baker. As I learn the ropes, I'll be developing my own Paleo friendly recipes and will be sure to share them here with you.

I'm glad to have you along for the ride! I'm sure it will be a great time!

If there are any seasoned Paleos out there, I'd love to hear from you.